Hei! Vielä ehdit hyödyntää Heinämarkkina-tarjoukset!

Greetings from Parola!

Parolan Rottinki is a Finnish interior design company specialised in rattan furniture. We have been part of Finnish everyday life for over half a century, during which the world has changed a lot, while human nature hasn’t. So, people still tend to gravitate towards their rattan darlings to take some time for themselves. To enjoy their morning coffee or night feed. To read their favourite book or have a cry while watching a lovely film. And day in, day out, from one year to the next, rattan bends to our needs and gives us space. Space to be exactly who we are in the moment. 

Me-time is precious. What kind of rattan sweetheart would you prefer to relax in?

Rattan furniture

Parolan is notorious for its rattan hanging chairs and arm chairs. They are original designs created by company founding father Aulis Herranen. In addition to these famous pieces, our collection features a wide range of chairs, tables, sofas, stools and other beautiful and practical furnishings to make your house a home.

Our online shop is currently only in Finnish, but you are always welcome to click around. We are famous for our Classics and especially Aulis hanging chair named after Aulis Herranen, the company founder.

Rattan is an airy and light design choice, one that enjoys the soft company of cushions and blankets. As a unique and textured material, it tends to spice up a space; even smaller rattan treasures instantly add a bohemian vibe and a natural, wild yet calm, feel to a room. 

Take a look in our Finnish web store and you will find matching cushions, rugs, towels, sheepskin, throw blankets, table cloths, bedding and chair cushions. 

Want to get to know us better? Here are a few facts about us.

We love rattan

Parolan equals rattan. We began as a rattan furniture company and it will always be our number one furniture choice. It is light and airy, a beautiful natural material that will love you back for generations, as long as you treat it nicely of course (just like a real live person, right?)

Finnish design

Our beloved classics were designed by the company’s founding father Aulis Herranen in the 1970’s, in the town of Parola. To help you recognise an authentic Parolan piece (unfortunately, classics like ours do get copied), since 2017 we have incorporated a branded metal plate in all our products. Finnish design is something we intend to celebrate in the future as well so stay tuned for special collections by known Finnish designers. 


Our products are not tied to any season or trend. Well kept they will serve as loyal companions for decades to come. In fact, we are here to offer a counterbalance to the culture of busyness; after all, we are specialised in beautiful furnishings that inspire you to gather round, pause for a bit, take a breath, ground yourself and find your balance again.

Authentic originality

We have always trusted our own thing, and believed in rattan even when others would roll their eyes. So here we are cheering on for each and everyone to be true to their own proud self and treading their own path – in life and interior design. Upcycle us, double up, turn us upside down and come up with a new way to love our company. Get passionate about rattan your way. 


No one can do it all alone, and luckily we don’t need to. Our skilled and brilliant team is made up of amazing humans, that can all be characterized as people people. They work together like a dream at the office and warehouse, love collaborating with partners on joint ventures and helping out customers in our brick and mortar store or on the phone. We also love to work together with production crews and influencers, designers and decorators. When everyone brings something to the table, the sky’s the limit!


We respect all people, believe in fair play and promote open dialogue. We keep our word and treasure your trust. If we do mess up, we take responsibility and always try to learn from our mistakes. That’s why we’re always happy to receive feedback, both positive and negative.

Responsible production

As a furniture material rattan is in many ways an ecological choice. Our products are handmade in Indonesia continuing a long tradition in handicrafts, providing work and working to prevent poverty. We visit our factories regularly to make sure that working conditions meet our standards. 


Get in touch!

Want to place and order, make an inquiry, collaborate or have a chat? Send us a message and we’ll get back to you shortly.